6th April, Week 10, Term 1
From Our Principal - Mr Brendan Moloney
Dear Families,
We have had a very busy and productive term, our school community would like to thank all our families for their continued support. As we reflect on the term a couple of highlights have been our Parish Church Centenary celebrations in particular the morning tea provided by our P&F, Ash Wednesday Mass, Rugby Day at Evans, St Patrick’s Day, Year 3&5 efforts in their NAPLAN, School Cross Country, Easter Hat Parade, Holy Week Reflections and our St Joseph’s Day celebrations with Woodburn to name a few. We would also like to congratulate all our students on their achievements this term. We look forward to continuing this wonderful learning in Term 2.
Term 2 Start Date
School will return for all students on Wednesday 26th April. Please note that we have a Staff Development Day on Monday 24th followed by ANZAC Day on the Tuesday.
Our Vacation Care / OSHC service will also be available for Monday 24th should families requiring accessing this service. Please contact our service coordinator Michelle to make a booking, spaces may be limited.
This year we will again seek your support in attending our local ANZAC Day March, we would love to see the continuation of a strong representation from our school as we pause as a community to pay our respects to those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice in war.
Students are asked to wear their full school uniform, including their school hat and are asked to bring a water bottle. We will assemble at Cnr Richmond Terrace & Grenfell Street at 9:45 in preperation for the march to begin at 10:00am.
Tell Them From Me Survey
Early in Term 2 we will be inviting students, teachers and parents to provide feedback on their experience of our school using an online survey. The surveys are an important part of our whole school evaluation and planning process.
We would like to invite you to complete the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning survey. As we value the role of parents and carers within our school community, we would greatly appreciate your feedback. The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and wellbeing at St. Joseph’s.
The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You are able to access the parent survey on your computer or mobile device, details of this process will be provided next term.
Catholic Schools Week / Community Day
At the beginning of next term we will celebrate Catholic Schools Week. We ask you to mark in your diary Tuesday 2nd May. On this day we will have our Catholic Schools Week / Community Day Mass at 9.30am and invite you all to attend. This will be followed by morning tea and then the completion of the school mural where we invite our families and members of the Coraki Community to place your handprints next to those of our students, where we hope to have a large number come together to celebrate. Following the completion of the mural we invite you to a small performance by our students before welcoming you into our classrooms where the children will share with you some of the things they do in their learning each day.
God Bless,
Brendan Moloney
Student Awards Week 9
Kinder - Airies Edge-Ford, being able to explain what an adjective is.
Stage 1 - Jack Painter, engagement and contribution to class discusion in all areas.
Stage 1 - Ryder Wilson, fantastic progress with reading.
Stage 2- Noah Moran, outstanding enthusiasm and engagement in all learning areas.
Stage 2- Philippa Maher, demonstrating great resilience.
Stage 3- Ellie Powell, demonstrating outstanding effortin all aspects of school life this term.
Stage 3- Ondreyah Hippi, effort for completing comprehension tasks.
Principals Award- Indie Verrall, always having a positive happy attitude.
Mission News
We are about to leave Lent and enter the liturgical season known as "Triduum." The word Triduum has Latin roots and essentially means the three days. Today the Triduum is the three days immediately following Lent and before the season of Easter. Triduum runs from the evening of Holy Thursday to the evening of Easter Sunday.
It thus includes three full days, though since the season doesn't begin at midnight, these three days are distributed as follows:
- The last part of Holy Thursday
- Good Friday
- Holy Saturday
- The first part of Easter Sunday
Christ redeemed us all and gave perfect glory to God principally through his paschal mystery: dying he destroyed our death and rising he restored our life. Therefore the Easter triduum of the passion and resurrection of Christ is the culmination of the entire liturgical year.
Stations of the Cross
On Wednesday and Thursday the students visited the Church to pray the Stations of the Cross. Stations of the Cross, also called Way of the Cross is a series of 14 pictures or carvings portraying events in the Passion of Christ, from his condemnation by Pontius Pilate to his entombment.
Sacrament of Confirmation
The Sacrament will be held on Monday June 26th at 6pm. The Sacrament is held as a Parish and this year will be celebrated at Evans Head. Any child who is in Year three or above who has been Baptised is eligible to receive the Sacrament. Preparation for the Sacrament is a Parish/Family based approach. If you would like more information please speak to Mrs Campbell.
Please let the school office know if you would like your child to participate so that we can coordinate distribution of materials and notify numbers to the Parish office.
Save the Date
Catholic Schools Week Mass Tuesday May 2nd 9:30am
Mother’s Day Liturgy Thursday May 11 2:15pm
National Sorry Day Mass Friday May 26th 9:30amPPP
Sacrament of Confirmation Monday June 26th 6pm
End of Term Mass Friday June 30th 9:30am
Sports News
On Tuesday we were able to hold a modified Cross Country event on our school playground. All of the students competed in great spirit and with a lot of effort on what turned out to be a hot and humid afternoon.Congratulations to the following students who were winners of the age events:12 years - Charlie Hill and Ellie Powell 11 years - Riley Grande and Angel O'Rourke 10 years - Noah Moran and Charlee O'Rourke 9 years - Blake Charters and Pip Maher 8 years - Jakob Brammah.
We will now be selecting a squad of runners to go onto the Zone Cross Country which will be held early next term.
General Business
Happy Birthday to the following who have celebrated their birthday since our last newsletter:
Casey Magee
Library News
Happy Easter everyone!
We have more donated books which I am currently sorting through. We have been so lucky to have so many donations of books to our library.
A safe holiday to all. Thankyou, Mrs Cherie Verrall
Easter Hat Parade
What a wonderful morning at Our Easter Hat Parade.
Congratulations to the following prize winners.
Kinder - Leo Verrall
Yr 1 - Jack Painter
Yr 2 - Ryder Wilson
Yr 3 - Blake Charters
Yr 4 - Noah Moran
Yr 5 - Baylee Chamberlain
Yr 6 - Charlie Hill
P&F & Canteen News
Thank you for your support in our P&F raffle. We raised $287.00
Congratulations to Katie Eastwood, Emily Maher, Ian Jolley & Raelene for winning an Easter Egg Prize.
If you need assistance claiming your back to school vouchers.
Service NSW Mobile Service Centre will be in Coraki
Friday 12 May Open 10am - 12pm
Memorial Park
123 Richmond Terrace, Coraki NSW 2471
Save the Date Term 2 Events:
Monday 24th April - Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 25th April - ANZAC Day (Public Holiday) ANZAC March 9:45am
Saturday 29th April - Sunset Festival, Coraki Bowling Club
Wednesday 26th April - Students return for the start of Term 2
Tuesday 2nd May - Catholic Schools Week Mass/Community Day
Thursday 11th May - Mother's Day Afternoon 2pm
Wednesday 31st May - Proclaim Day Cancelled, School as usual on this day
Monday 5 June - School Photos
Friday 9 June - Pupil Free Day
Monday 12 June - King's Birthday (Public Holiday)
Friday 23rd June - Athletics Carnival, Alstonville
Friday 30th June - End of Term 2