17th November, Week 6, Term 4
From Our Principal - Mr Brendan Moloney
Dear Families,
I ask that you keep the Chamberlain family in your prayers with the passing of Noel Chamberlain recently. We pray that the family find strength in the comfort of our community during this sad time.
You may be aware that I have been absent recently after testing positive to COVID but also sorting a minor health issue. I am looking forward to returning in the near future as our school year rapidly draws to a close.
During my absence what has once again been so evident to me is the wonderful school staff that we have. Everyone has continued to focus strongly on continuing to support our students and have taken up additional tasks to cover my absence to ensure that the school continues to run beautifully. We truly do have an outstanding team that you are Blessed to have supporting you. I wish to publicly thank all our staff for the wonderful support they continue to provide.
I am sure that you have noted the increased cases of COVID being reported in the media recently. I asked that families remain vigilant and keep children home if they are displaying any signs or symptoms of COVID, importantly, please test them. These include fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of smell/taste, muscle/joint pains, diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting, extreme tiredness, unexplained chest pain or conjunctivitis (eye infection).
We still have a supply of Rapid Antigen Tests at school should you require them, simply come in and ask for them.
Please note that current COVID guidelines are as follows:
It is no longer a requirement to self-isolate if you test positive for COVID-19, however, if your child is unwell, displaying any COVID-19 or cold and flu-like symptoms at any time, your child CANNOT attend school and should undertake a rapid antigen test.
If the rapid antigen test is positive and your child is unwell and/or experiencing any symptoms, your child CANNOT attend school.
If the rapid antigen test is positive and your child is not feeling unwell and not displaying or experiencing any symptoms, your child CAN attend school under the following conditions:
- the school office is informed of the positive test result, AND
- your child (over 12 years old) wears a mask for a period of 7 days in all indoor settings.
St Vincent dePaul Christmas Hampers
This year our school community will again support the St Vincent dePaul Christmas Hampers. We are asking for families to donate goods to be placed in hampers for families in need, each year we receive a wonderful response from families to support those in need over Christmas.
This year we also understand that many of our families continue to struggle in what has been a very difficult year for so many. With this in mind we will not be making our hampers a competition, we usually do this to encourage some excitement and enthusiasm for the appeal. We also understand that many families may not be in a position to donate goods and do not wish for families to feel pressured. If you are able to donate it would be very much appreciated.
Student Attendance
Regular school attendance is so important to support student learning, while many of our students have excellent attendance, others attendance falls below expectations. We wish to work with families to improve student attendance and will be placing a sharp focus on improving overall attendance in 2023.
The following outlines the expectations for attendance for our students, this expectation flows down from the education department and is a responsibility for our school community to follow. I ask families to reflect on their own children’s attendance and consider where they may sit in relation to these expectations? Families are asked to please remember we are here to help!
The following definitions and percentages are provided from the CSO guidelines for student attendance.
1.1 Attendance concern means the following:
- Less than 95% attendance or;
- 3 consecutive days without explanation; or
- Any 5 days of unapproved leave or any other pattern observed (such as regular Mondays and Fridays away or habitual partial non-attendance).
1.4 Chronic absenteeism means the following:
- Less than 80% attendance; or
- 11 to 20 days without explanation (not necessarily consecutive).
1.5 Complex Absenteeism means the following:
- Less than 70% attendance; or
- 21 days without explanation (not necessarily consecutive).
Parish Centenary Celebrations
Next year will see our Parish celebrate its centenary. The date for the celebration has been set for the 12 February. Please keep this date in your diary as we would love as many to be able to join us for this special celebration as possible. We will also be looking for helpers to support with morning tea. More details will be provided early next year.
P&F Meeting
It has been a little while since we have been able to hold a P&F Meeting, this has been due to a variety of reasons. Our next meeting will be on Monday 28th Nov. We would love for you to be able to attend as we arrange for our end of year events and plan to support the Parish in celebrating its centenary on the 12th February.
End of Year Events
Please keep an eye on the school calendar as we have a number of events coming up as part of our end of year activities.
God Bless,
Brendan Moloney
Student Awards Week 5
Kinder - Indie Verrall, excellent work decoding words when reading and writing.
Stage 1- Kayria James, a fantastic start to her learning here at St Joseph's
Stage 1 - Isabell Stevens, increased fluency in her reading.
Stage 2-Paige Gollan, positive attitude to learning and school life.
Stage 2-Noah Moran, confidently reading at the Remembrance Day Service
Stage 3-James Crockett, his enthusiasm towards creative arts activities.
Stage 3-Ercole Mortimer, demonstrating a high level of effort in classroom activities, especially during investigations and maths.
Mission News
As I write this newsletter I look towards the beginning of Advent as we prepare our homes and families to celebrate the Birth of Jesus.
The first Sunday of Advent falls on November 27. During the Advent season the children will learn about how people prepared for the coming of Christ and some of the events leading up to his birth. Each Monday of Advent we will have a small liturgy to mark the lighting of the candles on the Advent wreath. While this is held at 11 am each Monday which may not be convenient for many families you are most welcome to join the students and teachers as we prepare ourselves for the Christmas Season.
Remembrance Day
Remembrance Day (also known as Armistice Day or Poppy Day because of the tradition of wearing a remembrance poppy) is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth member states since the end of World War I. It is a day set aside to honour armed forces members who have died in the line of duty. In many countries, Remembrance Day is observed on November 11 to remember the end of the fighting in World War I. Fighting formally ended "at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month" of 1918, which is when the armistice was signed.
Odd Sock Day
Next Friday 28th Nov, we will be holding an "Odd Sock Day". We are asking for a gold coin donation to assist St Joseph's Eugowra who have recently been flood affected. We will also be selling Zooper Doopers for 50c and all sales will also be donated.
Sports News
Intensive Swimming Starts next week, Monday 21st - Friday 25th November
Instructors from Richmond Valley swimming school will provide 40 minute, intensive swimming sessions for each student.
The first day of these sessions will be on Monday the 21/11/22 and will continue each day until Friday 25/11/22.
Students will change into swimmers at school before walking to the pool and will change back into school uniform once they return to school. Swimming gear will stay at school for the week.
9:30am- 10:10am - Kinder/Stage 1
10:10am- 10:50am - Stage 2
10:50am-11:30am - Stage 3
Cost is $30.00 per student
General Business
Happy Birthday to the following who have celebrated their birthday since our last newsletter
Mrs Verrall, Mrs Dawson
Congratulations to Saoirse who won First Place in the Lismore Show's Colouring In Competition.
P&F News
Save the Date: Monday 28th November.
The P&F would like to invite you to our final meeting for the year.
The P&F is a great way to stay informored on what is happening at the school and support the staff by lending support to extra curricula events and investing in our children's time at primary school.
Please join us at 2:00pm for afternoon tea and a brief meeting.
Mary-Jane Maher
Canteen News
2023 will bring our New and Improved Canteen.
We are hoping to continue with having canteen Two Days a week (Wednesday and Friday) but to do so, we do need the help of volunteers.
If you are able to spare a few hours (approx 9:00am-11:30am) on either day, please contact the office to be added onto the canteen roster.
Upcoming Events:
Monday 21st Nov - Friday 25th Nov, Intensive Swimming
Friday 287th Nov - 'Odd Sock Day' Gold Coin Donation
Monday 28th Nov - Thursday 1st Dec - Stage 3 Brisbane Camp
Monday 28th Nov - Volunteer Thank you Afternoon Tea and P&F Meeting 2:0pm
Friday 2nd Dec -Last Junior Joeys for 2022
Thursday 8th Dec - Christmas Celebrations 5:45pm
Friday 9th Dec - End of Year Mass 10:00am, followed by End of Year Fun Day Activities
Monday 12th Dec - Year 6 Graduation Mass 5:30pm
Wednesday 14th Dec - Year 6 Fun Day
Thursday 15th Dec - Last Day for Students