27th February, Week 4, Term 1
From Our Principal - Mrs Kristie Coster
Year 6 Leaders 2025
On Friday, February 14th our Year 6 students were inducted and celebrated as our St Joseph’s school leaders for 2025. We congratulate our School Captains Noah Moran and Philippa Maher and all our Year 6 students on achieving this milestone and we look forward to seeing you leading the way with courage, kindness and compassion. Congratulations students! We pray that your final year of primary school is filled with connection, love and joy.
Loving God,
May our Year 6 leaders embody the values of the Presentation Sisters: compassion, to see and respond to the needs of others; justice, to act with fairness and integrity; and hospitality, to welcome and include everyone.
Grant them the wisdom to lead with kindness, the courage to stand up for what is right, and the humility to serve with open hearts. May they be a shining example of your love and grace. Amen.

Family Engagement
I wish to extend a heartfelt thanks to our families who were able to attend our Welcome BBQ and Information Evening. It was wonderful to see so many of you there, sharing in the start of a new school year.
Your presence and engagement made the evening a success. We appreciate you taking the time to connect with teachers, staff, and fellow families. Your support is invaluable to us, and we are excited to partner with you in your children's education this year.
We hope you enjoyed the opportunity to build connections within our school community and we look forward to a fantastic year ahead!
Thank you again for your continued support.

Help your child to have a positive start to the year by building the habit of good attendance.
Building the habit of good attendance is crucial for a positive and successful school year. Here are some tips to help your child develop this habit:
- Establish a Routine. Set a consistent daily routine for your child, including wake-up times, breakfast, and a specific time to leave for school. Having a predictable schedule helps your child understand the importance of punctuality.
- Create a Positive Morning Environment. Make mornings enjoyable by creating a positive atmosphere at home. Encourage open communication and express your enthusiasm for the day ahead.
- Establish Clear Expectations. Clearly communicate your expectations regarding attendance and emphasise the importance of being present at school every day unless there's a valid reason for absence.
Help your child establish a positive and consistent attendance habit, setting the foundation for a successful 2025 school year.
Have a joyful and blessed weekend.
Kristie Coster

Student Awards - Week 3

Kinder -Toby Hicks, correctly forming all letters when writing his name.
Stage 1 - Mason Anderson-Clark, making a big effort to join the class by contributing to discussions, treating his peers with kindness and trying his best in classwork.
Stage 1- Ewan Torrens, making good choices, great behaviour in class and trying his best.
Stage 2- Braxton Gollan, working hard to learn new concepts especially in Maths.
Stage 2 -Indie Verrall, consistently demonstrating respect, effort, self responsibility and safety.
Stage 3- Danielle Gomes, your outstanding focus, engagement and enthusiasm in learning-particulary in Maths.
Stage 3-Janaya Gomes, her fantastic start to 2025 in all KLA's.
Principals Award - Janaya Gomes, commitment to learning and a significantly improved attendance.
Mission News
Gospel Reflection
In this week’s gospel, Jesus shares with us a number of parables, to teach us how to be a good disciple. The teachings of Jesus in this passage are incredibly relevant to contemporary life. In a world often marked by judgment and division, the call to "forgive, and you shall be forgiven" and "give, and it will be given to you" serves as a reminder of the reciprocal nature of kindness2. By practicing forgiveness and generosity, individuals can break the cycle of negativity and foster a community rooted in love and support.

2025 Sacramental Dates
Sacrament of Reconciliation Tuesday April 8th 9:30 am
Sacrament of Confirmation Wednesday June 11th
Sacrament of First Eucharist TBC
Whole School Opening Mass
Thank you to all those who were able to join us for our Beginning of Year Whole school Mass.
We extend an open invitation to all parents, grandparents, parish members and special friends to join us for all of our school Masses.
Project Compassion

Pancake Tuesday/ Shrove Tuesday
On Shrove Tuesday, March 4th, we will have pancakes for sale through the canteen at first lunch to kick off our fundraising efforts for Project Compassion.
Pancakes with Jam / Cream / Butter $1
We are seeking donations of cooked pancakes, jam and cream to sell for our Pancake Tuesday stall.
All money raised goes to our Project Compassion fundraiser
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, a special time for Catholics to get ready for Easter. It's like a spiritual spring cleaning!
Join us for a Parish Mass on Ash Wednesday, March 5th at 9:30am.
St Joseph’s Day
This year we head to Evans Head to celebrate St Joseph’s Day with St Joseph’s Woodburn. We will join for Mass at St John’s Church Evans Head at 10:15 followed by a fun activity day at the pool. We will return to school for normal home routines. Keep an eye out for event permissions coming soon.

Stage 3 News
High School visits
A number of local high schools are currently booking in times to visit our Stage 3 class to showcase what they have to offer our students as families make decisions about applying for high schools for 2026.It is VERY IMPORTANT to note that the application process for local high schools takes place over the next month. The local catholic high schools will only have limited places for students overall and once they have finished their enrolment process will not take additional students.What families need to do now:1. Begin discussions within your family as to which high schools you might consider for your child.2. Actively look for information (sent home from school or on the high schools website etc) of when they will be holding open nights (most will be doing this over the next few weeks) and attend these nights as they might help with your decision making.3. Be aware of the closing dates for applications and ensure they are submitted on time. Please note that these applications will most likely be online.High schools will be contacting us again in the middle of the year to discuss transition processes etc for the students they have selected to enrol. To best support your child's transition into high school applications must be completed by this point.
Sports News

Cross Country - Friday 28th February
We will be welcoming St Joseph's Alstonville tomorrow, Friday the 28th of February for a combined cross country day. The program for the day and event details are listed below.
St Joseph’s Coraki and Alstonville Cross Country - Friday the 28th of February. Windsor Park, Coraki.
Program of events
10.00 - Snack break before walking to Windsor Park
Alstonville arrive.
10.10 - Prayer & Acknowledgement of Country
10.20 - 5 -7 year olds to run a modified course
10.20 - Walk the course.
10.30am - 10 years
10.50am - 9 years
11.10am - 8 years
11.30am - 11 years
11.50pm - 12+ years
Return to school for lunch and play.
Canteen will be opened on the day for purchases of chips, ice blocks & home cooking.
Zone Winter Sports Trials
Blake, Pip and Jack attended Zone winter sports trials in Lismore yesterday. All performed well and Blake and Jack were selected in the Richmond Zone U/11s Rugby League team that will now progress to the Diocesan trials in Grafton in early March.We are all proud of your great efforts.

Library News
It's lovely to see all the children borrowing and returning books each week. Well done!
Mrs Verrall
General Business

Happy Birthday to the following who have celebrated their birthday since our last newsletter:
Toby Hicks, Violet Hicks, Yasmin Mouftakir
Canteen News
Canteen is back Wednesday and Friday's. To keep canteen operating both days we are searching for Canteen Helpers.
Term 1 dates needed are, Friday 7th March, Friday 21st March. Friday 4th April from 9am-11:30am.
All are welcome, parents, grandparents, friends please contact the office 66832248 for more information.
Canteen Volunteer Roster Term 1
Wednesday 5 March - Ash Wednesday | Friday 7 March |
Special Menu | Volunteer Needed |
Wednesday 12 March | Friday 14 March |
Kym Charters | Beth Brammah |
Wednesday 19 March - St Joseph's Day | Friday 21 March |
No Canteen - Excursion | Volunteer Needed |
Wednesday 26 March | Friday 28 March |
Ashlee Grande | Cherie Verrall |
Wednesday 2 April | Friday 4 April |
Mary-Jane Maher | Volunteer Needed |
Wednesday 9 April - Easter Hat Parade | Friday 11 April |
Special Menu | No Canteen - last day of term |
Save the Date Term 1 2025
Friday 28th February - Cross Country
Tuesday 4th March - Shrove Tuesday
Wednesday 5th March - Ash Wednesday Mass
Wednesday 19th March - St Joseph's Day, Evans Head
Wednesday 9th April - Easter Hat Parade
Friday 11th April - Last Day Term 1